There’s this feeling I get in really good class lectures that I cannot describe any better other than that it feels like my mind is smiling from ear to ear, jumpy and giddy and glowing and full. I feel this in lectures that get through and to me deeply—lectures that are either given by a really effective professor, about something I’m deeply interested with, or both. I’ve felt this in my English and Literature classes, Filipino 11 and 12 classes, and now in my Computer Architecture and Philosophy classes.

In fact, I feel it in my Philosophy class almost every meeting.

What made my mind smile from ear to ear, jumpy and giddy and glowing and full all at the same time in today’s Philosophy class was how the word kahulugan was appreciated. It was on spotlight for about a minute, and I found myself literally smiling as I write down what my professor was saying. He was discussing about the second reason why we still err, which is found in Descartes’ Fourth Meditation. He was talking about how we tend to look at the specifics and fail to step back, look at the bigger picture and realize that everything makes sense after all. Everything makes sense. Hindi ba ang ganda no’n? May kahulugan. May kahuhulugan. Hindi nakabitin, hindi nakasabit; lahat may kahuhulugan, lahat ay nasa tama. That’s what the phrase “everything will fall into place” means. And as my professor makes an appreciation for this, I do, too. Isn’t it beautiful, how one word could mean such thing? Isn’t it more beautiful, the thought of everything falling into place—and that although you fail to see it yet, everything makes sense? That meeting him at an early point in your life, falling in love, parting ways, especially the parting ways, makes sense when your roads cross again? Or how the only UPCAT exam sheet that will get lost in the way was yours and not taking any other entrance exams apart from one make sense when you get in your dream university?

Call it luck, call it fate, destiny, or just God being always in control—whatever you recognize it to be, it gives you a calming and humbling feeling in knowing that things fall into place no matter what because it’s meant to be that way, because He meant it to be that way. Because how our life unfolds (given that we’re not doing anything wrong) always unfold in the right way—it’s just that sometimes, or most of the time, we cannot grasp or understand it because we are in it as it unfolds; we are immersed in it. You cannot see something clearly when you are in it—you’ll only see it once you step out of it of it (and I think this is also why we don’t know what we have until it’s gone,) and once we understand this, we won’t be that bothered with the future, or worried of how things will turn out anymore, because we know that things are continuously falling into place. Jigsaw puzzles are being put in the right places. Just be still, do what you have to do, and everything will make sense soon enough.

That’s my security right there. That’s what reassures me. That’s what I appreciate the most. That’s what I thank God the most.
